WiZ cares about your privacy.
Since it is not technically necessary, we do not ask you for any sort of sign-in to get started with your lights. We will create an anonymous account for you on our Cloud, and tie it to the WiZ app installed on your phone.
We do however strongly recommend our users to link their WiZ account with any third-party service.
  • For the international version: Google, Apple or Facebook
  • For the China-specific version: WeChat, Baidu or Apple
Let's keep it clear: WiZ does not view, retrieve or store any kind of personal data from the accounts you link it with.
If some information is presented to us by default (for example, Google tends to provide your name), we purposefully choose to ignore it and not store it anywhere. We do not need this for your lights to work, so we do not access it.

Why link my WiZ account, then?

  • Since the account we create for you is entirely anonymous, it is only linked to your phone and the current installation of the WiZ app on it. If you delete the WiZ app without having linked your WiZ account, all of your settings will be gone. If you change your phone and reinstall the app, you also cannot recover your settings.
  • Linking your WiZ account to a third-party ensures that all the settings of your home, rooms and lights can be retrieved any time you need to. For example:
    • Sign in with the same account on more devices (like your tablet), to automatically synchronize all your WiZ settings so you can use your lights with all the screens of your home
    • Retrieve all your settings on your new phone by just signing back in
    • Invite other people to join your WiZ home. Sign-in is required to be able to invite, since we need to make sure that the owner of the home can always recover it.

How do I link my account to a third-party?

  1. In the WiZ app, open the Settings button on the top right of the Home screen
  2. Tap on your account on the top of the screen
  3. Select a sign-in method and confirm (for Android users, you may pick between Google and Facebook. For iOS users, you can also select Apple). Chinese users can choose from Baidu, Wechat and Apple (for iOS only).

Note: for added safety, you can link your WiZ account to more than one service. For example, both Apple and Google.

How does this sign-in work?

Let's assume you chose to link your account with Google. WiZ will ask Google for a unique ID, and will store this unique ID in our database, as "linked to your user account". We do not know anything more than this ID.

If you now change your phone, and sign back into WiZ with the same Google account, WiZ will ask Google "what's the ID?" and receive the same unique number we already had in database. We can then confirm this is the same user, and give you back all of your settings in a split second.