General Questions
Where can I find help?
You can find the FAQs in English on the website at or in the apps, by selecting FAQ in the Setting...
WiZ lights: WiZ Colors and WiZ Whites.
Two kinds of WiZ lights exist. WiZ Colors, and WiZ Whites. WiZ Whites lights offer lighting capabilities ranging from warm white to cool wh...
What is WiZ and how does it work?
WiZ is a connected lighting system. WiZ ligths are set-up through your Wi-Fi network and can be controlled with the WiZ application on your...
WiZ Home structure: organizing your lights.
To make navigation as easy as possible, WiZ defines a structure for your Home, with the following hierarchy: - Home. This is the highest l...
What are Tooltips?
“Tooltips” is a feature meant to enhance the on-boarding experience for first-time users by displaying some pop-up tips about what can be d...
中国大陆地区和港澳台地区使用的WiZ app是否相同?
目前中國大陸地區與港澳台地區的 WiZ App 是不同版本的中國大陸 – WiZ CN App 可在不同平台的應用上下載到(OPPO, XIAOMI, HUAWEI, TENCENT, VIVO 等)其他 – WiZ App (中國大陸以外所有地區,包含港澳...
天貓精靈/小度/小愛/小鯨魚等 大陸地區可接入使用的智能音箱設備是否可以在港澳台地區使用?
港澳台地區的 App Store/ Google Play Store 只提供 WiZ App 的下載,使用這個版本的 WiZ App 是無法接入上述的集成選項。
我換了路由器。 是否要重新連接燈?
如果您更換了 Wi-Fi 路由器,您可以:使用與以前的相同的網絡名和密碼進行設置。 在這種情況下,由於燈光已經在相同名稱和密碼的網絡註冊,它們將自動重新連接,無需進一步操作。使用新的網絡名和/或密碼,但您需要重新配對燈,以便將新網絡信息傳遞給它們。 您設備的某些設置在重新配對後可...
What is my "Home ID" and where can I find it?
On the WiZ servers, your home is anonymously identified by a randomly allocated number. We call this number the "Home ID".There is no need t...
- WiZ Product Regulatory Compliance
- General Questions
- Getting Started
- Using WiZ: basics
- Using WiZ: fine tuning
- Questions about Sign in
- Invitations: sharing your lights
- Homes, Rooms, Groups
- WiZclick
- WiZ Scenes
- Scheduled Events
- Rhythms
- Power consumption and power outages
- Wi-Fi WiZmote
- Wi-Fi 運動傳感器
- Integration: Alice
- Integration: Google Assistant / Google Home
- Integration: Amazon Alexa
- 集成:添加到Siri
- Integration: IFTTT
- Integration: Samsung SmartThings
- 整合:Enki
- 整合:ImperiHome
- Integration: Mijia (Xiaomi)
- Open Source licenses
- WiZ Products Warranty
- iOS Migration
- WiZ Pro Products - Datasheets
- WiZ LED 燈條
- 調光開關/電路或 3 路開關建議
- WiZ Pole Floor Lamp
- Matter
- Home Monitoring
- Dual Zone light