We try to make the installation flow as simple as possible, but errors can still occur.

  • Cannot read code.
    This error may occur if the camera is not able to read the QR code presented, or to authenticate it as a valid WiZ QR code. 
    In that case, please generate a new QR code by restarting the installation flow and ensure to fully show the code to the camera in optimal condifitions.

  • QR code expired. 
    This error would occur if you present a QR code to the camera which is expired. For security reasons, the QR codes are only valid for a set amount of time, so older codes will result in a failed installation.
    In that case please generate a new QR code by restarting the installation flow.

  • Error during connection to network.
    In this case, something wrong happened when trying to connect to your Wi-Fi. The LED indicator on the camera should be blinking in red with a certain pattern.
    The most classic error would be 4 blinks in a row of the LED, which means that the Wi-Fi password provided to the camera is not the correct one.
    Another often encountered error would be 5 blinks in a row of the LED, which means that the nwtwork did not allow for connection, which may be due to the signal being too weak for the camera, or the router not being available enough for establishing connection as too many devices may already be connected.

  • Error during connection to cloud.
    In this case, something went wrong between being connected to your Wi-Fi network and reaching the cloud. This could come from your home using a VPN from a country in which the camera is not available, or this could come from our services being temporarily down for maintenance.
    In this case, please contact the support using the in-app chat to enquire about the system state.

  • Installation failed because the camera was previously installed in another home.
    A camera can only be installed in a WiZ home if it has been deleted from a previous WiZ home in which it had been installed. This is an anti-theft mechanism ensuring nobody can delete your access to the media by installing this camera in another home.
    If you got this error, please contact the previous owner of the device to delete it from the WiZ home in WiZ app v2. You may also raise the case to the support team in the in-app chat.