WiZclick is a way to make any existing hardware switch smarter, thanks to your lights.
WiZ lights are clever and able to detect and react to the electrical impulses coming from the switch:
  1. Turn ON the light once, and the light will be in the WiZclick light mode 1
  2. Turn ON the light a second time within 5 seconds, and it will now be in the WiZclick light mode 2.
This allows you to access the two light modes of your choice at the flick of your switch - very handy for quick, daily operations.
For example, provided that you have selected "Warm white" as WiZclick 1 and "Spring" as WiZclick 2:
  • Power on, the light starts in warm white
  • A few hours later, quickly power off for 2s, then turn back on. The light is now in Spring mode
  • Repeat this operation whenever you need to switch between WiZclick modes 1 and 2