Manual pairing troubleshooting
Pairing troubleshooting
Getting started
Using Bluetooth to pair WiZ devices
Inputting Wi-Fi name and password
Product type selection
What type of networks does WiZ support?
WiZ Luminaire_CE DoC_RED_WiZ 12V Ground Spot
WIZ Luminaire_ CE DoC_RED_WiZ ELPAS Wall EU
Lamp_ CE DoC_RED_P0041250
더 보기
스마트 조명은 어떻게 시작하나요?
Accessories - How to get started?
Home Monitoring Starter Kit - How to get started
Smart Camera - How to get started
라우터를 바꿨습니다. 조명을 온라인 상태로 되돌리려면 어떻게 해야 합니까?
How can I access my home created in app V1 via WiZ app V2?
What are Quick Actions?
What can a quick action do?
How can I organize my quick actions?
What is a Scene
Saving a Scene
Re-playing a Scene
Can I have multiple users for my WiZ home?
User roles and access rights
Inviting new members in a home
What is a group?
What devices can I group together?
Creating a group
음악 동기화란 무엇인가요?
음악 동기화 기능을 실행하려면 무엇이 필요하나요?
어떤 제품이 뮤직 동기화와 호환되나요?
Should I use WiZclick or "Last status"?
How does WiZclick work?
Enabling/disabling WiZclick
What does WiZ call fade in and fade out?
When do the fading options apply?
Why do different rooms seem to behave differently?
What are Schedules? How do they work?
Is there a limit to how many schedules I can have?
Who can edit schedules?
What are Rhythms?
Circadian rhythm: what does it do?
Creating custom rhythms
What is SpaceSense?
What do I need to know about SpaceSense?
What lights do I need to enable SpaceSense?
What is Trackside mode? How does it work?
What lights can I use for Trackside mode?
How do I enable/disable Trackside mode?
IFTTT Integration
Apple Shortcuts Integration
Matter in a nutshell
When can I have Matter with WiZ devices?
Do all WiZ devices support Matter?
How to Install a WiZ indoor camera?
What does the LED indicator mean?
Camera Chimes
What is the Home Timeline?
How to delete an event?
What are Monitoring Routines?
Default Monitoring Routines and how to configure them
How do Routines work if I have other Automation?
What are in-app and push notifications?
Monitoring Notifications
What is Heads-Up?
How does Heads-Up work for multiple Homes?
How can I subscribe to Heads-Up?
What is the WiZmote?
Choosing the right batteries for your WiZmote
Adding a WiZmote in a home
What is the infrared WiZmote?
How do I distinguish the infrared WiZmote from the Wi-Fi one?
Operating principle of the infrared WiZmote
What is the Dial switch?
Adding a dial switch in a home
Changing which lights are controlled by the dial switch
What is the Smart button?
Choosing the right batteries for your Smart button
Adding a Smart button in a home
What are NFC tags? How do they work?
Adding an NFC tag in a WiZ home
What can I do with an NFC tag?
What is the PIR motion sensor? How does it work?
Adding a motion sensor to a room
Room level sensing settings
What is Dual Zone light?
How can I control a Dual Zone light?
Can I create a Scene or Schedule with the two zones in different light modes?
Fan mode introduction
What is EyeCare light mode?
Why can I not see EyeCare light mode?
Open Source licenses
Which data does WiZ have access to?
What are some of the privacy settings I can modify?
Who has access to what in the WiZ app?
Disabling local network communication
Energy Consumption
How to change the light to a specific color?
How to get a color using HEX code
How to get a shade of white by CCT value
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