Apple shortcut provides a quick way to get things done with your apps, with just a tap or by asking Siri.

By integration WiZ with shortcuts, you can easily automate a variaty of things through shortcuts. For example, you can recall one defined scene  with just one tap or by asking Siri. You can also enjoy welcome lights when you are back home and access to the Wi-Fi network of your home.

Once you create a shortcut, you can activate Siri, then say the shortcut’s name to run it.

You can refer Shortcuts User Guide - Apple Support to automate your own colorful smart light life.


Create WiZ Shortcut on iPhone Shortcuts

First please make sure Shortcuts applicaiton is installed on your iPhone. If not, please search and install it from Apple app store.
On Shortcuts tab, tap on '+' on top right of this page, click Add Action and tap on Apps tab, scrol down the displayed App list and find out the WiZ CN V2. You can also filter out WiZ CN V2 by inputing WiZ in the search bar.
 Please select one action from the WiZ CN V2 action list, and further select the parematers for the selected action.  Remember to click drop down icon to rename the shortcut, which can be used to recall this shortcut by asking Siri. 
Following actions are provided to integrate with Shortcuts:
  • Brightness Adjustment: To adjust brightness on predefined percentage
  • Brightness Level: To adjust brightness to the input percentage value
  • Device Mode: To select one light mode
  • Play Scene: To select one defined scene
  • Power Toogle: To switch on or off 
Following options are provided to apply the action on:
  • All devices of current home.
  • All devices of one specific room.
  • One specific device.
By tapping on Done on top right of the page, the new WiZ shortcut is created. It will be displayed in the All Shortcuts list. You can tap on one shortcut in the list or say siri with the name to run it.
If you want to make changes to the sentence used to play a Scene via Siri, or to delete the shortcut altogether, go in the Scenes tab and tap again on the "Add to Siri" button to access the settings.
With Automation tab, you can create your personal automation based on the advanced functions provided by Apple.