As of now, Trackside mode only covers race events, so feature race and Sprint race. We may in the future expand the future to qualifying, with a different set of features.

Race start

When the red lights go out on the grid, your light(s) will pulse in green for around 10s. In the rare event of a safety car start (for example on a very damp track), your lights should then show the "safety car" light effect.

Yellow flags

Yellow flags are displayed per sector, when there is an issue on track (for example a crash or some debris). When yellow flags are out, your lights will pulse in yellow.

Virtual Safety Car

If the disruption/danger is significant enough, race control will have no choice but to neutralize the race, to make sure that marshalls can safely clear the track. The Virtual Safety Car forces all cars to slow down, while preserving their positions on track. Your lights will also pulse in yellow for the VSC, but the pattern is a lot slower than for yellow flags.

When the Virtual Safety Car ends, your lights will pulse in green for around 5s to indicate the race restart.

Safety Car

If it is necessary to regroup all cars on track so that marshalls can intervene safely, race control will deploy the Safety Car. That GT car will enter the track in front of the race leader, and keep all cars behind it while the track is being clearer. Your lights will indicate this by changing to static yellow.

When the race is about to restart, the Safety Car will enter the pits. Your lights will react with a fast pulsing, still yellow. As soon as the green flag is out and the race restarts, your lights will pulse in green for around 5s.

Red flag

If track conditions are too dangerous to race, race control may choose to interrupt the session altogether, by displaying the red flag. Red flags immediately stop all racing actions, and all cars return to pits. In most cases the race will eventually resume, but if enough distance has been completed, that may be the race finish.

Red flags are indicated by a 1min red pulsing, followed by static red. 

Change of race leader

If the lead car changes, your lights will let you know by pulsing in blue for a short time.

New driver takes the fastest lap

If a driver finishes in the top 10 of a feature race (not the Sprints) while holding the fastest lap, 1 point is awarded. To keep you informed that the fastest lap is now held by a different car, your lights will briefly pulse in purple.


Although mechanical failures have gotten a lot more uncommon in recent years, retirements can still happen for various reasons. To indicate that a car has retired, your lights will display a static orange for 2s.

Clear track and dry/wet conditions

When no particular highlight is going on, your lights will display a static white-ish color. However, we do want to make sure you get informed if the track is wet! So if at least one car is using intermediate or wet tires, the static color will be on the blue-ish side instead. You should notice the difference :) 

Lap completed

Whenever the lead car completes one lap, the lights will do a single gentle pulse. Note that this may not be shown if more "important" events are going on, for example a safety car.

Checkered flag

When the race ends, your lights will celebrate by changing to Party mode! We hope your favorite driver won :)