The Handover function allows you to deliver the Site to your clients.
The handover step has a summary of the resulting of the commissioning actions taken in WiZ Pro Setup, which will also be dynamically presented to the recipient of the handover.
Once you confirm, you can enter the e-mail addresses of any number of people you want to deliver the Site to.
The system will then generate e-mails for them to accept the delivery of the Site.
Once a user has claimed the ownership of the Site, your access will be blocked by the system.
After Handover is completed and Ownership claimed by the client, you will see a status "Completed" for this Site in the Projects list.
Please note: Wi-Fi credentials ( in the 'connectivity' step ) and the 'sync products' step are required before the handover of the project to the client. If these steps are not complete and a project handover is executed, the client will not have control over the WiZ devices.