Wi-Fi is the main technology supporting connectivity for any Device which is part of the WiZ system.
Each device directly connects to the cloud over Wi-Fi.
After having passed Wi-Fi credentials to the devices, they will try to connect to the Cloud using those credentials.
First they will scan to see if the network is deployed.
Then if it is the case, they will try to use the password given to them to connect to the cloud.
Note that if a device is connected to the cloud, you will see a little icon next to it when testing it.
If Wi-Fi credentials have been passed to devices, those will try to connect to the internet every 1 hour, in case the network has been deployed afterwards.
Please note: Wi-Fi credentials ( in the 'connectivity' step ) and the 'sync products' step are required before the handover of the project to the client. If these steps are not complete and a project handover is executed, the client will not have control over the WiZ devices.