By default, WiZ lights turn on when they are powered on.  Depending on the power switch option you have selected (WiZclick enabled or disabled), the lights will either adopt one of their favorite modes or go back to what they were doing before the power was cut.
This can occasionally create a disturbance if your home is subject to regular power outages, especially during the night. You may not want your lights to turn back on and wake you up. Or if you have a holiday home, you may want to make sure your lights stay off when you are away.
In the Settings tab, find the "Others" tile in your home settings, and you will noticethe "power outage recovery" toggle switch.
If you enable this feature, lights which were off, in nightlight or bedtime mode when the power went out will not turn back on when the power comes back. They will stay off instead, to preserve your sleep and lighten your electricity bill.
If you need to turn them back on with the power switch, power on quickly twice in a row.
Note: if the power outage is very short or there are repeated outages, your lights may mistake this for an activation of WiZclick, and still turn back on despite power outage recovery being enabled.